Friday, May 29, 2020

Stop and smell the roses...

Things we’ve stopped doing since the outbreak of Covid-19: hugging friends, shaking hands with colleagues, having a belly laugh, and enjoying a good sneeze. Businesses have closed and employees have been out of work. We’ve lost our sense of security. These past three months have been tough and it’s easy to focus on all that’s changed or been lost. But there are so many other things that we’ve started doing: having virtual dinner parties and get-togethers, openly discussing our fears and anxieties, making phone calls with friends and relatives, and thinking about the well-being of others: these are the things we’re doing with what there is. Asking “how are you” and really meaning it. Stopping to smell the roses. Realizing that our mothers’ admonition to wash our hands was not just some old wives’ tale. Suddenly, everyone is itching to go out, worried that they’re missing something. Now is probably a good time to take stock of all the good things we have, like health and happiness. As a leader (or a parent), help others to focus on the good things that are all around us as we inch our way back to something more normal today.

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961): Journalist, Sportsman, Novelist and Nobel Prize Winner

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