Friday, May 8, 2020

Do the math...

Another week in self-quarantine and the support that this had back when we started is clearly starting to fray. Everyone seems to have an opinion on what’s best – from continuing to stay safe to questioning whether any of this was worthwhile. In times of crisis people want clear leadership, not a lot of speculation. There are clearly some areas where a loosening of restrictions is warranted, and others where it’s not, but it’s hard to fathom that some people seem intent on denying the seriousness of this virus and how easily it can be spread. Even if they care little for their own safety, society, communities, and even companies must always have a collective concern for each other: absent that, there’s little left to hold us together. All the speculation that the 24/7 news cycles keep repeating can only serve to confuse us, or worse… because when speculation has done its worst, two and two still make four: the science will not be denied. Don’t try to change the math: be smart and stay safe today.

Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784): English writer who is often referred to as the most distinguished man of letters in English history

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I yearn for clear leadership! I've always thought leaders should lead by example, be held strictly accountable and accept all responsibility for actions. Guess I'm too old school.


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