Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Keep your chin up...

There’s no getting around the fact that this sucks; unfortunately, we don’t have many options: stay safe or get sick, and possibly die. Of all the stuff we’ve lived through in my 70 years, this takes the prize. One thing I’ve learned: our attitude towards this, or any, problem is the most important factor in overcoming it. In this current situation, there’s no good to come of complaining about whether ‘they’ can or should close businesses, quarantine us, force us to distance ourselves socially, or require us to wear masks. If it’s what the doctor orders – we should all do it. I suppose some might argue that if someone wants to endanger or kill themselves, then nobody should be allowed to stop them; I just think that when that puts me in danger of dying then they’ve gone too far. I think we have to make the most of this time out, and our government should do all it can to keep us safe and secure. People should get over thinking somehow they’ve been wronged: it’s a pandemic and there’s nothing personal about it.  The moral of this story: stay safe and keep a good attitude today.

Napoleon Hill (1883-1970): American self-help author

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