Thursday, May 28, 2020

Rethink old habits...

Lots of companies have opened in the past 10 days; so many more are planning to do the same in the next few weeks. The word “planning” is key here – every one of these companies need a plan that addresses all the things that are needed to make a good first impression, again. They can’t do that effectively with policies and practices that weren’t designed for these new circumstances.  Some of what’s needed now: allowing employees to have a voice in their own personal protection, redesigning customer touch points, revising existing attendance policies (the ones that mostly penalize employees when sick or anxious), delegating more to line managers, implementing supervisory training that focuses on personal responsibility and decision making, communicating continually to calm employee and customer worries, watching for mental wellness issues that may be lurking beneath the surface, remaining flexible for all the unknowns that might occur, and reviewing your current reopening plans and preparing for the next time (yes, there will be a next time). Just because you’re back at work doesn’t mean this is over…the hard part might still be ahead; put your heads together and find new ways of doing old things. Reimagination and creativity are the critical skills you need today

Ruud Belmans: Creative director at WeWantMore design studio, on designing face masks made from preloved sneakers

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