Thursday, August 22, 2019

Watch things grow...

My friend Nate Tanenbaum is a network meteorologist in Las Vegas - he jokes the only forecast there is “hot and sunny”:  adding water to all that sunshine there produces some great lawns and gardens. Compare that to summer here in the Northeast where sunshine mixes daily with showers: that naturally produces very verdant lawns, gardens and forests too.  Everywhere I’ve lived people have planted gardens and trees, and proudly tended their lawns and shrubs: it’s a passion for all of us. I grew up here in the Northeast, where there were four distinct seasons, all different from each other; when we first moved to Las Vegas I had the impression that there were no seasons – only hot and hotter.  But I was wrong: there are regular seasons there like everywhere else, and they constantly remind us of the passing of time and the wonder of renewal. They inspire us to remember and anticipate the joy of life: if you’ve never experienced that, look at all that’s growing and then go plant a garden. It will reawaken your passion for living and accomplishing today.

Robert Breault (b. 1963): American operatic tenor

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