Thursday, August 1, 2019

Keep your promises...

I’ve conducted dozens of Employee Surveys and one of the most common complaints is that someone promised to get back to them about something… and didn’t. Integrity is based on trust, and this type of neglect destroys any goodwill that exists between employees and their supervisors. People with questions deserve straight and timely answers… even when the answer is “no”: to ignore that responsibility is both wrong and rude. If you’re asked and don’t know the answer, admit it and then go find it. If you don’t like the question, say so, but provide an answer anyway. And if you have the answer but forget to provide it (which seems to happen most often), apologize and deliver it when you remember. We all talk about wanting to be good (or better) supervisors: that kind of talk can be cheap. Learn to respond and then do whatever answers your employees’ questions require: those kinds of deeds are precious. Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose: be appropriately responsive today.

Ross Perot (1930 – 2019): American business magnate, billionaire, philanthropist, and politician

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