Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Learn from your mistakes...

Many of us have had broken bones and, although it doesn’t seem possible when it first occurs, those breaks can become stronger if and when they’re properly healed. But, as with my knee surgery last year, the doctor’s prescription of physical therapy must be followed if we want to fully heal. A mistake at work is similar to this in many ways: you have to learn from the error, get involved in figuring out how to be better (or do it better) the next time, practice what you’ve learned repeatedly, and always be mindful of how the mistake happened in the first place. And even though the pain or embarrassment hurts initially, and the regimen of self-improvement can be tedious and painful in its own right, there’s no substitute for what it takes to get better or be better. There’s no shame in mistakes, only in repeating them. Everything like this in life is an opportunity to learn: let your broken places help you become stronger and better today.

Ernest Hemingway (1899 – 1961): American journalist, novelist, short-story writer, and sportsman

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