Friday, August 16, 2019

Get involved in volunteerism...

Volunteerism has become big business in the business world: it helps good companies become good corporate citizens and establishes strong ties between employees, employers, and the communities they’re in. They promote political awareness and social activism, and often reflect the values that employers and employees share, ones that help bind them together in shared purpose and loyalty. You see it promoted on Adopt-a-Highway signs, in holiday adopt-a-family and food-drive programs, participation in disaster relief efforts, and support of numerous charitable donations. Many employers match donations and give time-off for participation, promoting employee engagement, teamwork and morale. Employees are encouraged to get involved at work and to give back in relation to what they get: this kind of generous giving is a great investment in employee satisfaction, retention and loyalty. Some companies claim they can’t afford to support these kinds of activities; but, really, they can’t afford not to.  Everyone wants to know what they can do to win the war for talent: being the kind of employer people want to work for is a good place to start. Encourage participation in volunteerism today.

Diane von Furstenberg  (b. 1946): Belgian fashion designer best known for her wrap dress

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