Friday, August 9, 2019

Be incredibly responsive to everyone...

How you treat others, even those who can do little for you, says a lot about your character: this is especially true among employees in service businesses. Managers there often struggle with the fact that tipped employees understand this while non-tipped ones seemingly don’t: the challenge is to make them equally attentive and responsive. While sharing the tips among both groups is a traditional way to motivate them all, other methods could and should include making sure all employees get and understand feedback from customers, involving them all in the development of strategies (both service and recovery) that deal with customer service and satisfaction, and engaging them all in regular discussions to increase everyone’s awareness of the importance of good service in the long-term health of the company and their own job security. We hate to admit that money is a prime motivator in employee satisfaction and loyalty, but it’s true. Given that, the role of managers is to connect these dots to ensure employee commitment, great service, and customer satisfaction today

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832): German writer and statesman.

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G rit is the determination and passion to keep working toward your objectives, even when progress is slow, or obstacles arise. Grit matters ...