Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Look on the bright side...

How many times have you heard someone say “is the glass half full or half empty”: it’s a common expression generally used rhetorically to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for Pessimism (half empty) or Optimism (half full).  We generally like to be around or work with people who are optimistic: they more often see the good in things and people, surround themselves with upbeat people, are flexible, forgive graciously, give more than they take, are happy to help, smile a lot, don’t listen to naysayers, and bring out the best in others. For them, optimism is not just a mind-set, it is the way they behave. They’re the leaders we love to work for, the co-workers we want to be around, the friends we want to do things with, and the people we want helping us in stores everywhere. Sometimes it’s not so easy to see be an optimist or see the good around us, but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying.  Look for the best in others and let them know you see and appreciate it: that’s the kind of behavior that engenders camaraderie, friendship, trust and loyalty. Be an optimist today.

Laurence "Larry" Elder (b. 1952): American attorney, author, and radio program host

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