Friday, August 23, 2019

Tell me more...

Being a leader is hard work: there’s a lot riding on the way you make decisions and act.  You must go beyond the obvious, look beyond what you see, listen beyond what you hear, get beyond what you feel, and continually learn beyond what you know now. You’re expected to dig and think and get it right: whatever it takes. You have to get beyond your own bias and preconceptions and often get outside your comfort zone: every time you think you have it figured out is when you have to say “tell me more”.  Things have changed so much in the last two years: we’re held to the higher standards now that probably should have been there all along: but things like culture and norms change, and the bar’s been raised. Now, more than ever, research, reading, training, and coaching are needed to keep up with the latest best practices. Whatever talents you have, be passionately curious about all the other things you need to know to be really effective today.

Albert Einstein (1879 –1955): German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity

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