Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Know what you want and love...

During my long career, I recruited more than 300 college graduates into what was called the Management Associate Program (MAP): it became widely known within hospitality colleges and throughout the industry. It was a direct placement program, meaning they went directly into a single department and trained for a specific position: it meant we and they had to really understand their interests and abilities. The result was they did what they loved and passionately gave their heart to it. The program was 12 months of intense training, after which they were placed in a supervisory position within the department they chose: they were expected to stay in that department for at least a year, after which they could go to another one if they wanted.  Nobody did: their original choices were that good and they were that dedicated.  Ninety percent of them stayed with the company and all went on to senior leadership roles throughout the industry. Carefully choose what you want to do in this life and then give yourself to it with all your heart today.

Siddhārtha Gautama (480 – 400 BCE): Known simply as Buddha, was a monk, mendicant, sage, philosopher, teacher and religious leader on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.

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Turn hope into action...

G rit is the determination and passion to keep working toward your objectives, even when progress is slow, or obstacles arise. Grit matters ...