Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sing out...

This past weekend I attended a concert celebrating what would have been Pete Seeger’s 100thbirthday: noted singers, song writers and story tellers from throughout the US gathered in an old restored barn on the grounds of the Great Camp Sagamore in the Adirondack mountains and performed for more than 3 hours.  Seeger was a legend in the world of folk music and social activism and was involved in those endeavors throughout his life . Like his songs, these were sign-along moments that engaged the audience (there were 100 in attendance): and sing we did. The artists on stage inspired us with their humility and dedication to the music and it opened the doors to our engagement and enjoyment. Life is like that: at work we want people to participate in all that goes on, getting and giving the full measure of themselves, being involved with colleagues and customers, and showing the pride the have for what they do. Be yourself, tell stories, and inspire those you work with to proudly get engaged and sing along today.

Ann Tran: American social media consultant, travel social marketing strategist, influencer, and sought-after speaker at social media and technology events 

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