Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Make something you're proud of...

Everyone makes things: some design and build buildings, others create policies and practices that build organizational structure, and there are those who simply work continuously to develop the best version of themselves. Whatever you’re making, if you’re proud of it, that’s enough: some may like and or appreciate it, others may not… but in each case, getting things finished is a good thing. I do a lot of executive coaching with individual leaders and senior management teams: the worthwhile goals of those efforts include building their competencies and improving their work habits: they open up their collaborative efforts and improve their overall effectiveness.  Coaching uncovers ideas, and some biases, and the goal of those efforts is to shape a consensus that everyone can support: it’s an achievement worth working on -  it builds trust and respect and is something everyone can be proud of. Find an appropriate goal to work on and make something you’ll be proud of today.

Richard William Wheaton III (b. 1972): American actor, blogger, and writer

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Turn hope into action...

G rit is the determination and passion to keep working toward your objectives, even when progress is slow, or obstacles arise. Grit matters ...