Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Understand your role...

Integrity is often more than simple honesty: a person with integrity has the ability and inclination to pull things together the right way, no matter how challenging the circumstances. However, some bosses often step in and do your job: sometimes, they figure it’s just easier to do it themselves while others thrive on micro-managing. But the best way to get things done is to let everyone do their respective parts, helping when asked and needed, staying apart if it’s not, and coaching when appropriate. A good example of this is when I took my car to the local mechanic for an annual inspection: he’d hired a new person to do the work, had taught him what and how to do it, and watched as he did it: even though it wasn’t as efficient as the boss might have done it, he stayed out of it, answered a few questions, and then reviewed the work afterwards to make sure the new guy understood what he’d done well and what could have been better. Know your business (and role) and help others to know (and do) theirs today.

Gertrude Stein (1874 – 1946): American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector

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