Friday, December 8, 2017

Love what you do....

The Las Vegas Chapter of the Cornell Hotel Society held its annual Holiday Dinner last night. Years ago when I arrived in Las Vegas I went to that year’s dinner: I think there were less than 10 people there, none of them in the hospitality industry.  So when I started doing college recruiting in preparation for the opening of The Mirage, I visited Cornell’s Hotel School and was fortunate to get 10 of their top students to join our company. During that first recruiting effort I had to convince those students, their parents and the School’s administration into giving gaming and Las Vegas a chance: I promised them they would love it. That was 29 years ago: since then so many other Cornell graduates have found careers they love in Las Vegas that its become one of the Society’s most vibrant chapters.  As I looked around the room last night I was gratified to see that so many had found and done what they loved here.

Bradbury (1920 – 2012): American author and screenwriter most responsible for bringing modern science fiction into the literary mainstream

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