Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Give in order to get....

Society is filled with metaphors about teams: our weekends and holidays are filled with games between teams, companies regularly refer to employees as Team Members, and many of us got cards this past week signed by a family referring to themselves as “team so and so”. As we gathered this past weekend (and will do so again next weekend) for good cheer, fun and food, the lives we lead are knitted into a quilt that’s based on people doing things together, in concert, for the greater good of all. Knute Rockne, the legendary coach, is reputed to have said (or maybe it was Ronald Reagan playing Knute): “Win one for the Gipper”. No matter how cliché it might sound, you will never be all you can be until you learn to give beyond yourself. That’s certainly the message of these holidays, and also the foundation of most successful efforts. Giving to others is surely the best way to get the most for yourself everyday.

Will Ferrell (b. 1967): American actor, comedian, producer, and writer.

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