Monday, July 15, 2024

Keep your promises...

Companies seem to put all their energy into recruiting new employees – some do it well, others not so much. But either way, that recruiting pitch is intended to get new employees to their first day of work. After that, it’s often downhill. I find it incredible that companies would waste all that good will by not having a clear plan to keep it going for as long as it takes to turn those new employees into trusted, trusting, motivated, engaged, and loyal lifers. It takes a plan and everyone in management must be in on it and fully dedicated to making it happen. And it takes continuous effort – train your managers and supervisor to be effective communicators and coaches, focused on helping new employees find what they were hoping for on that first day. The last thing you want is a bait and switch that leaves them wondering why they took the job in the first place: understand what they want and make that happen. Because all the money you spent on advertising, recruiting, interviewing, on-boarding, and new hire training demands the kind of return on investment that long-term, engaged, and loyal employees produce. Employees that are emotionally connected to your organization. That’s what good companies do; that’s what I did at Mirage and Wynn; and that’s what you should be doing. And guess what: the cost of not doing this has a much higher impact on retention, customer service, overall performance, and your bottom line. Looking at it this way: you can’t afford not to do this. Make sure you’re doing this already; if not, start today.


Jill Christensen: American best-selling author and keynote speaker – she is a former Fortune 500 Corporate Communications business executive with a Six Sigma Green Belt, and understands how organizations operate, and what they need to do differently to attract, retain, and engage employees. 

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