Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Be involved to get others involved...

·      Managers want their employees to be engaged.

·      It will only happen if the manager is engaged first.


Employees watch everything their managers do. And they take their cues from them. If a manager is dour and unsmiling, don’t be surprised if his or her employees are the same. If the manager is upbeat and engaged in what’s going on, most likely the employees will reflect that. If the manager rarely speaks to his or her employees, it will be hard to get feedback and suggestions from them. But if the manager greets everyone with a smile and inspiring comments everyday then those same employees will be talking it up with colleagues and customers. If a manager pays little attention to detail or fails to get back to an employee who’s asked a question, you can bet their employees are watching the clock more than the customers. Managers must be role models for the behaviors they want, and when they see them, they must be recognized and praised. This isn’t rocket-science and managers who fail to model the behaviors they want have only themselves to blame. Manage your peeps with a smile, a positive attitude, a bounce in your step, and a nod to excellent performance. Because without your involvement, there will be no commitment to being engaged today.


Stephen R. Covey (1932 – 2012): American educator, author, businessman, and speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

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