Monday, June 5, 2023

Recharge your batteries...

Life is hectic and often runs us down. Find ways to pace yourself and conserve your energy.


·      Long distance runners

·      Learn to pace themselves

·      So they can finish each race.

·      There’s a lesson in that for all of us.


Our seasonal cabin in the woods gets completely closed at the end of each summer - everything marked, put away, drained, shut off, and locked. That means when we get back, everything must be unpacked out, cleaned, turned on, and put back where it belongs. And while it seems like so much work, we know that once everything’s done, we’ll be soothed by the vast natural beauty around us. We do this because we know the value of both unplugging and recharging. A few years ago, we put in new windows, making it that much harder for the bugs to get in; and last year we disconnected our cable tv, making it that much harder for the noise to get in. But we’re not completely cut off: we now get a cell signal - there when we want it, not because we need it. Everyone needs to find someplace quiet where they can recharge their batteries and rekindle their passions. Find your place to unplug and unwind today


Anne Lamott (born 1954): American novelist and non-fiction writer.

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