Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Be an optimist...

To me, things are always looking up. I guess you’d say I was an optimist.


Be proud

   Of your positive

      Outlook on the life

         And times you enjoy.


Optimists almost always see the glass as half full.  Instead of half empty. They think positive thoughts through good times and bad. Even when they’re uncertain, that positive attitude gets them through. There were times when opening hotels when we were worn out, and the road ahead seemed long – in my head, all we needed to do was take a break, look on the bright side, and keep at it. That’s why hiring for attitude is so important – it’s what you need to rely on when the going gets tough. You can’t look down or think you can’t continue – keeping your eye on the objective helps clear your mind. You can’t be rigid in your thinking – staying flexible helps you find a way forward. You can’t be negative – being positive helps motivate others. It becomes a source of pride – this “I can” attitude. It’s infectious – others feel it and are inspired by it. It keeps everyone going. The sense of achievement – however small, is like a rainbow at the end of a storm – it inspires you to come back again and again. Look up and find that rainbow in everything you do today.


Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889 – 1977): English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed the music for most of his films.

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