Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Treat each person you meet as an individual...

One size never fits all. While the people you meet will probably each be unique, treating them all fairly is the key to lasting and trusting relationships. 


·      Being aware  

·      Of yourself and 

·      Others is the key to 

·      Effective management.


Just because people are different doesn’t mean they can’t all be comfortable working together. I am a keen believer that managers should hire for attitude and train for skills – meaning look for people who are optimistic, open to learning, flexible, and curious, and then train and mold them into the team you need. Don’t expect people to immediately understand what you want – communicate your expectations clearly and often. And don’t expect them to become an efficient and productive team without coaching and reinforcing their efforts. Carefully plan and conduct your onboarding and job training programs, and then give your new employees time to practice individually and as a team. Keep a watchful eye on them and practice your best communications, coaching, and emotional intelligence skills. One size doesn’t fit all, but all sizes and types can fit into a well-coached and thoughtfully-managed team. The work you do to bring them all together will showcase your commitment to them (as individuals and as a team) and result in their loyalty to you and your company today.


Carl Jung (1875 –1961): Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology and influenced the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology, and religious studies.

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