Friday, May 26, 2023

Be optimistic...

Sometimes things don’t go our way. That’s when we need to shake it off and put on our positive attitude. 


Good and bad things happen.

   Don’t take any of them personally.

       Those one-time occurrences do not change

            Who and what you are in the overall scheme of things.


It’s best to hire people who do not let good or bad things go to their heads. Behavioral questions can help find out how applicants have acted in past situations and pre-hire assessments can determine how they might act in the future. The one I like best tests for general optimism – it determines whether they’re innately resilient, flexible, open, and hopeful. Because as much as managers want to create positive work environments, stuff happens that can create anxieties and disappointments. In those, each of us is responsible for our reactions and bouncing back. While I realize how hard it is to shake off perceived or actual slights, those are when our reactions leave lasting impressions. You often can’t change what happens, but you can always maintain your attitude about them and how you approach the future despite them. And that’s what people will remember. Whatever happens, look on the bright side today.


Amy Tan (born 1952): American author of The Joy Luck Club as well as other novels, short story collections, and children's books.

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