Monday, February 20, 2023

Make up your mind...

Cartoonists, like bloggers, get to reinvent themselves a little each day. They may change the message, but not the genre.


·      Drawing and writing

·      Are everyday events.

·      What you say and do

·      May change daily.

·      But you don’t.


It’s the same with how we live our lives and do the things we do. They’re our habits, in the best sense of that word. Doesn’t necessarily mean we’re stuck but altering them takes a bit of effort. People often change careers, something that as an HR guy I saw all the time; but they don’t change who they are or how they approach things. But like changing careers, changing our personal style usually is only done with introspection, reflection, research, and practice. I changed from manufacturing to gaming early in my professional career – that took patience and study to get to know one set of nuances from another. But to change from one level of doing things to another takes a personal commitment. Professionally, I know that people can change jobs and often do. But going from being an hourly employee to a supervisor, or a task-oriented worker to a strategic thinker, requires a change not just of duties but of mindset. I’ve seen both often enough to know they’re possible. But only if one wants to change. Make up your mind what you want to be today.


William Boyd Watterson II (born 1958): Retired American cartoonist and the author of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, which was syndicated from 1985 to 1995.


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