Friday, February 17, 2023

Live your values like you wear your clothes...

Think about your role as a leader of a team, company, or group of employees. This quote sums up what how you should act in that role.


·      Curiosity helps you learn.

·      Honesty eliminates confusion.

·      Integrity promotes trust and respect.


The most effective leaders embrace these three characteristics. They’re curious about the people and things around them: learning all they can to maximize how they react and respond to any situation. They always tell the truth because honesty is always the best policy – it only takes one mistruth to cause others to doubt you. And they always act like someone is watching – integrity allows them to sleep with a clear conscience each night. Leaders spend most of their time dealing with others and these three characteristics set the tone for an environment free of drama and anxiety; they are values that form positive working relationships. Think of the best people you’ve worked with or for – most often they’re straight shooters who care enough about others to always do what’s right. No double talk, hidden agendas, or games. They create safe and trusting environments by treating people the way they want and expect to be treated. Do these to create team spirit and teamwork today.


Roy T. Bennett is the author of The Light in the Heart. He loves sharing positive thoughts and creative insight. that has helped countless people to live a successful and fulfilling life.

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