Tuesday, December 13, 2022

You are responsible for you...

You never know when you’re going to hear an inspiring personal story. Their inspiration then becomes yours.


·      We are all striving 

·      To achieve our goals.

·      But somedays they seem

·      To be far off and unattainable.

·      That’s when we need an inspiration.


I took an Uber to the airport yesterday – the driver was a woman who was originally from Senegal. When asked if she enjoyed driving, her answer blew me away. She was driving, she said, to save enough money to open a bakery. In Islamic culture, she went on, male children must take care of their elderly parents, but since she only has a daughter, she’s focused on doing what it takes to be self-sufficient. So, she drives 12 hours a day, 5 or six days a week. She told me of her research and how she’s on track to achieve her goal within 3 years. She’s amazed when she sees Americans who don’t have goals – she says much of that is because of welfare and that makes them soft; but, she said with a big smile, she was going to take advantage of what America offers: the chance to achieve their dreams. At the end of the ride, she thanked me for helping with her dreams. It was like she’d been studying these words by Coach Lombardi. She made my day! Make a personal commitment to excellence and achieve your dreams today


Vincent Thomas “Vince” Lombardi (1913 – 1970): American football coach considered by many to be one of the greatest coaches and leaders in the history of all American sports.

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