Thursday, December 15, 2022

Learn something from everything...

Some of the most successful people accomplish great things after failures both big and small. Because they learned from their mistakes.


·      Don’t worry if

·      You’re experiencing failures.

·      Trial and error are great teachers:

·      They prepare you to keep moving ahead.

·      Remember to learn from everything you do.


The first time I was involved in developing a human resource information system (HRIS), it failed spectacularly. We knew what we wanted but not enough about how to manage its development. We asked what we thought were good questions but lacked the experience to understand the real meaning of the answers we received. And when I say the failure was spectacular, it was visible and humiliating, both of which motivated me to learn from those mistakes. And throughout my career there were other smaller and less visible mistakes that helped pave the road of my personal and professional development. At the time, those mistakes were hard to take, but looking at each as an opportunity to learn made me smarter and better, as evidenced by the cool stuff I later developed. If you’re doing lots of things or making countless decisions, some are bound to be less than you hoped for. But if you learn from them and don’t make the same ones again, the net effect can be very positive. Learn something from everything you do today.


Beatrice Wood (1893 – 1998): American artist, actress, magazine editor, sculptor, and studio potter involved in the Avant Garde movement in the United States.

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