Monday, December 19, 2022

Try tackling something impossible today...

Most of the innovations I’ve been involved with started out looking like they were impossible. But that rarely stopped us from trying.


·      Anything new

·      Is usually an unknown.

·      It’s only through imagination,

·      Hard work, and perseverance that

·      It becomes something to finish and share.


My mother used to say: ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. When we started opening resorts in Las Vegas, the number of applications and related paperwork was hard to process and control. They came in at a rate of up to 500 per day for Mirage and Treasure Island. Those handwritten applications were often illegible and hard to read and file, and copying and distributing them when needed for interviews compounded those problems; filing them alphabetically was seemingly impossible, and responding appropriately was an administrative nightmare. Those were the problems that motivated us to dream of applicant tracking systems (the necessity of handling so much paper provoked us to try inventing a better way).  I’ve often written of that project here because of the magnitude of the challenge and obstacles we faced. To the people on my team, they were as noble and impossible as the Mirage volcano; in fact, it took 8 years longer than the volcano to complete. By the time we opened Bellagio, we had developed a system that allowed candidates to complete their applications on computers in our office: in that way we were able to handle 2000 per day. And at Wynn, the online system was able to accept up to 12,000 per day.  If you think creating something is important, don’t stop until it’s done. That’s how to overcome the impossible today.


Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881): Scottish essayist, historian, and philosopher who exerted a profound influence on 19th-century art, literature, and philosophy.

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