Friday, December 2, 2022

Stop and think...

Using common sense is easier said than done. Unless we practice, and sometimes that too, is easier said than done.


·      Good sense

·      Is a lofty goal.

·      Thinking before

·      You speak is the key to that.

·      And remembering to think is the key to that.


Use your head, my mother always said, and count to ten before you act or your actions you may dread. But the pace of our lives is the thing that can deprive us of being able to follow through on this seemingly simple thing to do. So, practice to be good at this not so simple task, and then remember to do this before someone has to ask. Remember that sense comes in many different kinds, from good to bad, to silly and sublime; and making the common variety the one you seek to find, is something to which I hope you are inclined. I’ll admit that for me it seems that writing this message in rhyme seems easier sometimes than practicing using sense of the commonest kind. It’s easy to forget about using good sense in the face of so many other events, which I suspect is why common sense is not so common, which is really what I meant. Bottom line: I pray we all start to practice using more common sense today.


François-Marie Arouet (1694 – 1778); French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. Known by his nom de plume M. de Voltaire, he was famous for his wit, and his criticism of Christianity—especially the Roman Catholic Church—and of slavery. Voltaire was an advocate of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.

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