Monday, December 26, 2022

Decide where you want to go...

t’s hard to believe how quickly the years seem to pass. More so now, it seems, than in the past.


·      The longer we live

·      The faster time goes.

·      What little we do seems 

·      To be a lot even though it’s not.

·      So, make the most of every day you’ve got.


I was feeling comfortable typing 2022 when I started thinking about having to soon start typing 2023. There: that’s the first I typed it – as awkward as anything done for the 1st time. Which brings up the issue of change in general; even though this is a small in comparison, this pending one digit change comes after 12 months, 365 days, 8736 hours of doing it the old way. It’s a habit to be changed. And that starts me reflecting about whether I did enough in these past 12 months and what I want to do in the next 12 months. I used to automatically say “more” when asked what I’ll do in the future, but now I think I’ll qualify that by adding ‘effective’. As in ‘to be more effective’. That, then, is the road I plan to take to get me where I want to go in 2023. That’s a question we all should be asking as we peek through the looking glass today.


Lewis Carroll (1832 – 1899):  Paraphrase of what the Cheshire Cat said to Alice in Alice in Wonderland, which influenced George Harrison (1943 – 2001) in his song: Any Road.

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