Monday, April 25, 2022

Purpose and style should complement each other...

Everyone should find their purpose… and then stick to it. As for style, in the design world that too is important; but in the world of work, management style often needs to fit the situation. Here’s what I think:


·      People and situations change.

·      Managers need to remain flexible

·      To meet the needs of each situation

·      And the people that are involved in it.

·      In this regard, one size (or style) rarely fits all.


We call this situational management. Leaders must diagnose each situation they face: discovering the facts, people, and objectives to determine what’s really going on - this is called situational sensitivity. They then must decide which approach to take, balancing the needs of the work that must get done and the people involved - this is called situational flexibility. And finally, they must adopt an approach that best meets those needs and follow through appropriately - this is called situational effectiveness. The key word here is effectiveness: it’s not so much what you do as what you achieve. Start with the end in mind and put the rest of the puzzle together.  Remember, don’t try to do the same thing all the time – the variables rarely allow that. Find your purpose and then adapt your style to effectively deal with the results you need to achieve today.


Manuel "Manolo" Blahnik Rodríguez (born 1942): Spanish fashion designer and founder of the eponymous high-end shoe brand.

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pur·pose / ˈ p ə rp ə s/ - verb 1. have as one's intention or objective. ·         "I have to help my elderly parents today." ...