Thursday, April 21, 2022

Plan to make a difference...

"Great leaders don't set out to be a leader. They set out to make a difference. It is never about the role - always about the goal." Lisa Haisha


Most people say they want to make a difference… probably you have too. But like many things in life, that’s easier said than done. Let’s examine what it could mean.


·      What you know,

·      And what you do,

·      Matters to your team.

·      It can open up their world;

·      It can help to shape their lives.

·      Make a plan to make a difference.


You can stumble into making a difference in someone’s life. But it’s better if you make plans and set goals to do that. I studied HR in college because I knew that kind of career could make a difference in people’s lives. And I had goals – to help people find meaningful careers, to help others learn to be as good as they could be, and to improve the work life and experiences of employees. Every leader can make a difference. They have the opportunity to hire, train, coach, mentor, and inspire people; to be great communicators and listeners, to be fair, to catch others doing things right, to always say please and thank you, to trust and be trustworthy, to care, and to be respectful. Leadership is about actions, not titles. Don’t squander your opportunities: set a goal to be the kind of leader that makes a difference today.


Lisa Haisha: Life coach, author, and spiritual healer.

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pur·pose / ˈ p ə rp ə s/ - verb 1. have as one's intention or objective. ·         "I have to help my elderly parents today." ...