Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Be open with others if you want them to be open with you...

One of a leader’s biggest challenges is getting accurate feedback from their employees. Effective leaders work hard to create a culture and work environment that fosters open and honest communications.  It helps to:


·      Be available

·      Be a good listener

·      Respond professionally

·      Act upon what you learn

·      Foster transparency and trust


A culture of excellence values open, timely, and trusted communications. Leaders must be steady and even-tempered, creating an environment where employees know what to expect when giving input or answering questions. No over-reactions. No unexpected drama.  Leaders are responsible for creating that kind of a workplace: if they’re successful, employees will tell them the truth (as hard as that might be sometimes) rather than wasting time trying to figure out what you want them to say. You’ll get the straight scoop. And promote trust and respect. Employees want to feel trusted… so act like you trust them. They also want to feel respected… so tell them how much you appreciate honesty.  And how it helps your team grow and succeed.  Don’t be confused: this starts with you and it’s what your employees are always on the alert for. Your honesty, openness, approachability, interpersonal skills, professionalism, and trustworthiness all work together to make your employees comfortable enough to be honest with you. Work on making that happen today.


Barbara Kingsolver (born 1955): American novelist, essayist, and poet.

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pur·pose / ˈ p ə rp ə s/ - verb 1. have as one's intention or objective. ·         "I have to help my elderly parents today." ...