Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Plan wisely...

If you’re considering making some New Year’s Resolutions, consider that you cannot become what you want to be by remaining what you are. While everybody’s different, a lot of the resolutions are similar. According to research, here are some of the top New Year’s resolutions from year’s past:


·      #1 resolution each year is exercise more

·      #2: lose weight 

·      #3: get organized

·      #4: learn a new skill

·      #5: live life to the fullest

·      #10: spend more time with family and friends


Seems to me that replacing #1 with #10 might help people achieve all the others.  But whatever they are, it helps to have a plan.  According to some other research, the most effective elements of this kind of plan are:


·      Mentally prepare yourself for change

·      Choose resolutions that motivate you

·      Limit resolutions to a manageable amount

·      Be specific

·      Write down your goals

·      Break up big goals into smaller goals

·      Share your resolutions with others

·      Review your resolutions regularly

·      If you fall off track, get back on quickly


Maybe that’s more work than you intended; without it, however, you’ll probably fall short. But if you’re serious about making and sticking to your New Year’s resolutions, take the time to choose wisely and have a plan. Those are prudent first steps to becoming what you want to be today.


Max De Pree (1924 – 2017): American businessman (CEO Herman Miller office furniture company) and writer (Leadership is an Art). 

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