Monday, December 20, 2021

Give from your heart...

During these last two weeks of the year, many people are planning for the holidays, giving gifts, making contributions, and volunteering their time for good causes. For many, it’s also a busy time at work: holiday customers, holiday closings, and holiday cheer. In these cases, people are working long hours, giving and getting holiday gifts, and hopefully getting time off. But like with all things in which we get involved at this time of year, you should make sure that what you do makes a difference. 

·      If there’s someone at work who needs extra time off – offer to work for them.

·      If there’s someone you’re donating to – find out what they need and put that package on top.

·      If there are those less fortunate – volunteer your time in a meaningful way.

·      And if someone is sick – drop them a line to let them know you care.

These continue to be crazy times, but what you do with these last two weeks of 2021 can make a difference in someone’s life. Stop and think about it. Don’t put it off. Make a difference today.


Kathy Calvin (born 1949): American politician, journalist, and business leader who served as President of The United Nations Foundation from 2013 to 2019


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E mployees in for-profit companies rarely believe in the cause of the organization. The rare exceptions are those like Patagonia, where the ...