Thursday, December 23, 2021

Be responsible and accountable...

At some point in our lives, we've all gotten caught with our hands in a proverbial cookie jar: that’s when honesty and contrition are appropriate reactions. Similarly, many have been passed over for selection or promotion, a moment when humility, reflection, and re-commitment are needed. In both, excuses are common… the kind that ring hollow to all but those making them. While disappointments are hard pills to swallow, once digested they could and should enlighten as well. 


·      Life’s experiences run the gamut – good to bad, and all contain lessons to be learned.

·      Disappointments aren’t the end of the world – only lessons to be learned.

·      Successes for some shouldn’t be the cause of sorrow by others – only lessons to be learned by all.

·      Moments of exhilaration are a lot like times of sadness – each contain lessons to be learned.


These are the kinds of lessons that teach us how to best handle life’s events properly and the impropriety of making excuses when they don’t go as we may have wanted. We control our own destinies and, likewise, our reactions to them.  As you look back on 2021 and prepare for 2022, stop making excuses and remember that you’re the only one stopping you today.


Jo-Issa Rae Diop (born 1985): American actress, writer, and producer

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