Monday, November 2, 2020

Make up your own mind...

We make countless judgments each day – about people, situations at work or home, things we’re faced with in life, and so much more: it’s usually wise to wait until all the facts and nuances are considered. Sometimes snap decisions are needed, but that shouldn’t mean they’re made without considering all that we know and can discern. We should judge everyone and everything for ourselves. We’re often called upon to ferret out the truth from all the noise and just because someone says something’s so doesn’t necessarily mean it is. Fact checking is good, but so is common sense and general intuition. Don’t accept things just because you’re asked or told to – be curious rather than quick to agree. If it’s almost too good to be true, or pandering to your base instincts, take a step back and give it the smell test. While this seemingly applies to the politics of today, it’s also true about how we conduct the rest of our personal and professional lives and judgments. Again, when you’re dealing with others, take time to judge everyone and everything for yourself. Or as your Mother may have said: stop and think before you speak and act. Judge things for yourself today.


Henry James (1843 – 1916): American author considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language


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