Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sticking with good ideas helps build successful teams....

The first time I was involved in developing an HR and Payroll system, it completely failed: computer systems were new back then and we were afraid to challenge the programmers because we thought they knew more than the rest of us. That mistake cost time and money and caused us to forego the things we really wanted.  It took nearly six years to get the courage to again seek the solutions we wanted. We had to realize and admit to what we didn’t know, learn more about how computing worked, and have the patience to work through the perceptions and bias that both we and the programmers had about what could and could not be accomplished.  The key was sitting down and communicating openly and discovering what was possible.  In the end we found that persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement: we developed the first data warehouse application for HR and created a paperless HR environment. Stick with your ideas as long as it takes to learn how to make them and your team successful today.

Marvin Daniel Levy (b. 1925): American and Canadian football coach, front office executive, author, and member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame

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