Monday, March 19, 2018

Believe in your imagination.....

I couldn’t name what I wanted, but I knew what was needed. I knew that delegating simple HR transactions to employees and managers would greatly improve efficiency and effectiveness but couldn’t find a solution to my problem. I described to our HRIS provider a vision of online forms that were facsimiles of our standard forms and that when data was entered directly online into that form by users it would map to an appropriate file in the database: they told me nobody had created something like that yet. We continued to explore and discuss my idea and in 1996 it became the basis for employee and manager self-service: what had once only been imagined was then proved. I’m usually not the smartest guy in any group but was confident that good ideas could spur creative innovations if the right people focused on them.  More often than not the things we want and need are more ideas than real: the key to success if sticking with them until they get done. The moral of this story: believe in your imagination today. 

William Blake (1757 –1827): English poet, painter, and printmaker

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