Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Anything good is a never-ending process: and it starts with a smile...

·      Getting someone to try something once is relatively easy.

·      Getting them to come back again is much harder.


Buying clothing online, going to a casino or restaurant for the first time, watching the first episode of a series, shopping at a new store, or meeting a new friend. The firsts are usually interesting and often exciting, but the trick for any of them is to get you back for a second. That was always our worry in the new casinos we opened, and even when one that wasn’t ours opened. But it had nothing to do with the first time – it was always dependent on all the other times we engaged with our guests, and every experience they had with every employee they encountered. It’s not about any scripted interactions – it’s not that complicated. It’s about smiles, eye contact and focus, and being genuinely interested. Companies spend a lot of time and money on developing customer service and loyalty programs, most of which are unnecessary. Talk to your employees, ask them what makes them comfortable at the stores, restaurants, casinos, bars, and websites they visit. And then ask them to do those same things with their customers. It doesn’t happen in one day. It happens every day, over and over. That’s how to build real loyalty today.


Jeffrey Gitomer (born 1946): American salesperson, author, and speaker who writes and lectures on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development.

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