Monday, February 19, 2024

Don't be afraid of trying to find what you love to do...

·      Many fear the challenges of growing up.

·      Taking on added responsibilities.

·      Sounds like Peter Pan.


I was talking with a client recently about the challenges of leadership development, and how it’s not for everyone. Many do want to grow into leadership roles, but many others like what they already do, and experiencing the thrill of further developing their professional competencies and reaching their full potential. It’s really about what each person wants and that’s what we as leaders should value, honor, support, and help them achieve. As I’ve often said here, the best job is often the one you have – the challenge, is making it the one you love. Leaders can help their employees discover the things they love and finding fulfillment in the challenge of being their best. And that’s nothing to be frightened of. Catch your peeps doing the things they love well; make them feel great about advancing their competencies. The young people today thrive on this kind of support – speaking openly about their loves and fears, being coached to help discover what they seek, and finding mentors to help them learn and grow.  Help people accept the responsibility of finding what they love today.


Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939): Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies through dialogue.

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