Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Good work should be its own reward...

·      Praise should not be given only for perfection.

·      If it were, very few would qualify.

·      Be proud of all your efforts.


Most companies have some form of employee recognition program, often based on nominations from supervisors and managers. For most of my career, I followed that same methodology. But it slowly dawned on me that we should be rewarding any effort that an employee is proud of – big or small, because they all add up to the reputation a company has. So, we transitioned to a program where employees could tell their own stories – all of which were recorded and applauded. Because proud moments are not just for big accomplishments but also for small victories along the way. These shouldn’t be beauty contests, but programs that promote catching people doing things rights and letting them know how much we appreciate them. Let them feel proud of that. Because proud employees are the ones you want on your team today.


Jay Shetty: Author (Think Like a Monk) and former monk, emphasizes the importance of celebrating small victories.

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