Sunday, January 21, 2024

Get ready in every way for each new day...

·      We all get bored doing the same things every day.

·      Self-improvement gets rid of that boredom.


Every time we opened a new hotel, we looked for ways to improve on what was done before. Each opening was followed by a period of review and reflection, and those notes became the basis for future planning. One doesn’t have to participate in big projects to participate in these kinds of reviews. Take time at the end of each day to take stock of what just happened and make a mental note about what was good or not, and what could be improved. Some keep a diary, others record notes to self on their smart phones – however you choose, it’s a good way to continually improve your personal and professional effectiveness. And at the beginning of a day or week, these can be used to better set and prepare for your daily or weekly activities. Share your thoughts with those you work or collaborate with and use this format to energize and motivate yourself and those you’re with. Don’t get stuck in a rut – strive for excellence today.


Dr. Harriet Braiker (1948-2004): American social and clinical Ph.D. psychologist, best-selling author (The Type E Woman: How to Overcome the Stress of Being Everything to Everybody).

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