Friday, January 5, 2024

Don't get too big for your britches...

·      Start with Why is in the same vein as Start with the End in Mind.

·      Both force you to think about and plan what you’re doing.

·      You would do well to do both.


To be proud of what you do and accomplish is different that having a big head. Being on top of things and doing good work are things you should be proud of; boasting about it and walking around like you’re someone’s gift to the world are not. Especially if you’re leading others – in that you want to be a role model, being effective and humble, fun but not overbearing, and wise without making others feel insecure. When you take ownership for your accomplishments and responsibilities, you can be proud without arrogance. Sometimes leaders get too full of themselves – in my experience, their colleagues usually remind them to tone it down and remember who and what they are. As you get started on a new year, make a resolution to temper your pride with humility today.


Simon Sinek (born 1973): English-born American author and inspirational speaker on business leadership. His books include Start with Why (2009) and The Infinite Game (2019).

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