Friday, June 3, 2022

Begin with the end in mind...

Everything we do has the potential to impact others. So, we should plan that what we do benefits everyone. Start with that end in mind.


·      Whatever we do

·      Should benefit others.

·      It’s not enough to think

·      About how something ends.

·      It should always end well for all.


A true service mindset gets you thinking about others. There are too many examples of people doing things strictly for themselves, trying to improve only their lot in life. The words we use, the decisions we make, the things we do, In HR, examples are the policies we write – do they only benefit the company or are they intended to improve the well-being of employees. As managers – are the decisions we make intended to make a point or make a positive difference in all. In life – do we build our bank accounts to only purchase toys or to give some or all of it away to improve the lives of others. These answers aren’t all one way or the other, but if we begin with the intent of improving the hopes and health and well-being of others then we will ultimately make a better world for all. Ourselves for sure, but others as well. And the benefit we receive is the knowledge and satisfaction that we’ve made a positive impact. Imagine if everyone acted like that today.


Ray Charles Leonard (born 1956), best known as "Sugar" Ray Leonard, is an American professional boxer (retired), motivational speaker, and occasional actor.

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