Monday, June 20, 2022

Approach old challenges with a new mindset...

I’m generally disappointed with call centers and their continued use of Covid as an excuse for long wait times; worse is that when you finally do get thru to someone, they are often ill-prepared to respond to customer needs. To me, this seems like and easy problem to fix: start with these 5 steps:


1.    Target recruitment for this job to the roughly 40% of working people who prefer working from home. 

2.   Use existing technology to effectively route and manage calls to those employees working from home. 

3.   Treat call center staff as knowledge workers and pay them accordingly: they and their specialized knowledge is important to your company’s success.  

4.   Provide them with appropriate knowledge management tools to access and use information quickly and easily.

5.    Train them to know what they’re doing and then catch them doing things right.


Call center jobs are critical components of effective customer service and, because of technology, are practically tailor-made for those who want the flexibility and ease of working from home. Change your recruiting mindset and practices (see 1-5 above) and be selective in hiring the best candidates: that will send a message that excellence matters and you’re willing to put your money where your mouth is. There’s nothing new in the world of recruiting, but there are ways to use the tools you have more effectively. Get involved in re-focusing your recruiting efforts today.


Octavia Estelle Butler (1947 – 2006): American science fiction author who became the first science-fiction writer to receive a MacArthur Fellowship.

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