Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Be responsible and respectful...

We each have roles and responsibilities. To satisfy our own needs. And meet the needs and expectations of others.


·      We rely on others

·      And many rely on us.

·      Dependability is crucial

·      To family, friends, and colleagues.

·      Being there for them and they for you.


Some industry leaders asked me to help write a 21st Century attendance policy. One that focuses on reinforcing positive behaviors rather than penalizing poor performance. Stressing what employees should do rather than explaining what happens when they don’t. Treating employees like adults. Because today’s workers, both young and old, are looking at work differently than before the pandemic. They want more flexibility and the tools to achieve that at work. There are interesting and positive ways and reasons to craft a 21st Century Work Policy rather than continuing to recycle yesterday’s Attendance Policy, but none are easy. In the 21st century we should stress the importance of coming to work, allow the flexibility to change schedules or not work at all, and create opportunities for employees to actively participate in these new solutions. This requires a servant mindset by leaders and line employees – being responsible to schedule sensibly (for managers) and being respectful enough (all employees) to either work their shifts or give enough notice so someone else can temporarily take your place. Start thinking about new ways to more effectively manage work and attendance today.


Joan Didion (1934 – 2021): American writer.

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