Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Let necessity be the Mother of your creative mind...

Companies know they must train their managers and supervisors, but the logistics of getting them into a classroom can often be complicated. This is true for both large and small companies.  For years I wrestled with these questions:


·      Scheduling managers

·      Scheduling replacements

·      Their dislike of the classroom

·      The cost and logistics of attendance

·      And the cost of the programs themselves


While still active, I knew about online learning, but it was in its infancy, and so was the technology to create and deliver it. A few years ago, I started developing a concept of short training courses, delivered a-synchronously online to all devices (desktop, tablet, and smartphone), but companies told me they preferred classroom training with live instructors. But then came Covid and Zoom: even the staunchest detractors grudgingly witnessed a transformation in the meeting and training worlds.  Necessity spawned innovation and acceptance. And while this was happening, I continued working on developing my new online training format and company. Where learners can take courses anywhere, anytime. In small increments that build over time to provide a comprehensive and measurable level of learning and competence. It’s called Tiny Classroom Training – where the classroom is the size of screen on the device you choose. After years of asking logistical and cost questions, this year they’ll start to be answered.  Get ready to discover a new way to give your managers and supervisors the soft skills training they need today.


Zora Neale Hurston (1891–1960): American author, anthropologist, and filmmaker.

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