Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Help others find their wings...

Whenever you lead a team on a grand adventure, some will fall, and others will fly… and everything in-between. As a  leader, your job is to inspire them all to get involved to the best of their respective capabilities. 


·      Get engaged yourself.

·      Know your team’s capabilities.

·      And know your team’s limitations.

·      Be a coach, a mentor, and a supporter.

·      And always catch them doing things right.


Every casino resort I opened had a mostly new HR Team: some signed on because they wanted the experience and others hoped to move to other jobs after opening. But all loved the challenge of the work and what it took to get it done: like commitment, perseverance, and flexibility.  We had great plans, training, and support to help them deal with the incredible volume of work created by hundreds of thousands of applications, 10 weeks of screening 1000 people a day, 5 weeks of doing 1000 second interviews a day, and onboarding 10,000 new hires in 10 days. Great work always requires great effort and opening a new business creates a sense of team and accomplishment and provides memories and stories that last a lifetime. Find people that really want to try something new, test their abilities, and have an opportunity to fly. Do what it takes to make sure they don’t fail. And make that a priority today.


Erin Hanson (born 1981): Oregon-based artist, considered to be the originator of painting style called "Open Impressionism." She’s also a rock climber and hiker.

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