Monday, March 21, 2022

Admit your mistakes...

Early in my career I struggled with admitting my own faults, and I’m not proud of that. What I learned is that the quicker you realize and address thos things, the better. The dynamics of life and work demand that little white lies or big hairy mistakes (intended or unintended) be corrected as soon as possible:


·      Nobody’s perfect.

·      Admit it when you’re not.

·      The longer you wait, the worse it gets. 

·      Most people are forgiving if you address it.

·      But you’ll lose their trust and respect if you don’t.


Whether you’re unkind or worse to someone, neglect or mishandle a promise or responsibility, or just speak out of turn, the impact on others can be damaging, embarrassing, and irreparable.  It’s not like you don’t or shouldn’t know, and it’s the wrong time to stand on pride or stubbornness to try and deny it. Admit it, take your licks, say you’re sorry, fix it, and move on. If you don’t, it grows like mushrooms in the dark, and before too long your ability to work effectively with others and the interpersonal relationships you worked hard to develop will start to unravel. But if you do, you have the chance to make things right and learn from your mistakes. The memory will still sting in the quiet of the middle of the night and probably be a constant reminder never to do whatever that was again. Demonstrate your bravery and integrity by admitting your mistakes today.


Philip Johnson (1906 – 2005): American architect best known for his works of modern and postmodern architecture.

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